Friday, July 20, 2007

What am I missing here?????

Are you folks all ready for this??? Ryan says; "Things have been uneventful recently" ; "not much to report on"; On weekends I go out to my friend Jamiee's house in Long Island--She belongs to a private beach club: oh and by the way he has a steady stream of visiting female beauties.
Now, I don't know about all of you, but all of this sounds a whole lot more than just uneventful. I'm no sure what the rest of you are going to do, but I'm going to be on the next flight to New York and become Ryan's personal valet. Of course, that's with your permission Big Fella..Ryan I'm sure that all of your fellow bloggers are tickled to death that you are having such a wonderfully unique and rewarding experience. Our problem is two-fold; we are envious beyond description of your adventure,but most of all we miss you in a huge way and can hardly wait for your coming home to share with us all of your Broadway Debut.
Bunches and bunches of love to you from you gray haired old grandpa///

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