This little guy is not one of our local birds, Gene finally found him using Google and he's a Spotted Towhee. An out-of-towner.
Yesterday on my way to feed the horses breakfast, the thermometer on the car read -1. This morning it was 12, so we're headed in the right direction! By Monday, we're forecast to have a high of 61! I smell spring!
Gene and I had a date night last night, supper and an evening listening to a 3 piece acoustic band (sound familiar?) called The Waymores. 2 guys and a gal, and they were fabulous! Really tight harmonies, I could not have been happier. They're out of Nashville and all 3 are actually songwriters for "the beautiful people". We'd never heard of them, but went on the reccomendation of a friend, and now, I'm a fan!
That's all for now, just wanted to check in. Looking forward to seeing some of you next week, and I'm looking forward to wearing just one layer of clothes!